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Upcoming Community Event | Próximo evento comunitario

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Take action against Prop 36
Tome medidas contra la Proposición 36

Prop 36 is California’s 2024 Ballot Proposition to Recall Prop 47.

Watch the Prop 47 Community Forum presented by Chalice Community Forum, Vera Institute of Justice, and Buen Vecino to learn more.

​La Proposición 36 es la propuesta electoral de California de 2024 para retirar la Proposición 47.
Mire el Foro Comunitario de la Proposición 47 presentado por Chalice Community Forum, Vera Institute of Justice y Buen Vecino para obtener más información.

​Resources for Grassroots Guide to Running for Office
Recursos para guía básica para postularse para oficina

Interested in running for office, but don’t know where to start? Our team would like to share some campaign resources with you, including a campaign plan template created by Port Hueneme council member, Laura Hernandez.

¿Usted está interesadx en postularse para un cargo público, pero no sabe por dónde empezar? Nuestro equipo está emocionado de compartir un paquete de recursos que incluye una plantilla de campaña creada por la concejal de Port Hueneme, Laura Hernández.

Call for a ceasefire and humanitarian access for Gaza now!

¡Pide un cese del fuego y acceso humanitario para Gaza ahora!

Gaza is a local issue | Gaza es una cuestión local

Buen Vecino stands with the countless people of diverse faiths and traditions calling for an immediate, total, and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and an end to colonialism, occupation and apartheid-like policies in the Palestinian territories and Israel. 

Take action TODAY: Make your voice heard by contacting your senators and representatives to advocate for their support in diplomatic efforts for an immediate, total, and permanent ceasefire, an end to the occupation, and to ensure the rights and dignity of Palestinian people.

Buen Vecino apoya a las innumerables personas de diversas religiones y tradiciones que piden un alto el fuego inmediato, total y permanente en Gaza y el fin del colonialismo, la ocupación y las políticas similares al apartheid en los territorios palestinos e Israel.

Actúa HOY: haga oír su voz comunicándose con sus senadores y representantes para abogar por su apoyo en los esfuerzos diplomáticos para lograr un alto el fuego inmediato, total y permanente, el fin de la ocupación y garantizar los derechos y la dignidad del pueblo palestino.

Urge Congress For a Ceasefire NOW! | Pida al Congreso un cese de las hostilidades ¡YA!

Neighbors working together for racial, social, and economic justice.


What we do

Buen Vecino provides regular educational "Know Your Rights" trainings in a variety of safe locations throughout our local communities. We engage with our neighbors directly and review methods of deploying our constitutional rights available within the United States.  We also hold virtual webinar education events on relevant topics (click to access videos).

Buen Vecino hosts regular Citizenship Fair events. Our dedicated group of trained volunteers, under the supervision of our licensed attorney, help our neighbors with their applications for naturalization, green card and DACA renewals, amongst other services. Buen Vecino also maintains a pro bono docket of cases managed by our licensed attorney.

Buen Vecino works to foster engagement, develop skills and leadership, and grow the collective impact of community members toward achieving justice and equity for all people in our region regardless of race, religion, or country of origin, where all may live free of persecution and be empowered as agents of change. We work in partnership and coalitions with other local organizations to carry out events, programs, and  campaigns to advance this cause.


We work to raise awareness, rally support, build allyship, and encourage grassroot participation in addressing important issues, influencing policies, and bringing about positive social change. We seek to expand a broad-based, diverse movement of dedicated justice advocates, working together to transform our communities.




Buen Vecino is a non-profit community organization in Ventura County, California. Our vision is to cultivate an environment where the human dignity of every person is respected and where all people have equal rights.

Get Involved

Join to make change

We are a community organization in Ventura County, California. We need your voice, energy, and participation. Join us!

Team Meeting

Volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization. There are many ways to serve through our advocacy projects.  We’d love to meet you. Please get in touch and let us know your passions, skills, experience, and capacity to volunteer with Buen Vecino.


The powerful force of people of good will who are committed to living together in greater understanding, peace, and justice, is needed more than ever.  Buen Vecino works in cooperation with many other organizations. If your group is addressing issues of mutual concern, we’d like to get to know you.


People on the ground have the best perspective of the needs of the community. We take on new projects and efforts based on input and guidance from our grassroot participants. Let us know the issues that are most important to you, your family, and our community.

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